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Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Knee Replacement Surgery in Chennai

Knee Replacement Surgery also known as Arthroplasty is a bone surgery that helps to ease the pain caused by severe arthritis and helps you to move more freely.
The Procedure
During the surgery, the orthopedic surgeon replaces the damaged part of the knee with an artificial joint made of metal or plastic. Then the artificial joint is attached to the thigh bone, kneecap and shin with a special material such as acrylic cement.

Good candidate for Knee Replacement Surgery
The main reason why people go for Knee Replacement Surgery is Osteoarthritis (the condition occurs when the cushion between the knee and bone joints break down). Knee Replacement Surgery benefits the following conditions also:
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis: Rheumatoid Arthritis is a condition when the body's immune system attacks and destroys the lining of the knee.
  • Deformities: People with deformities like bowed legs or "known-knees" often get surgery to restore the position of the knee.
  • Knee Injuries: Broken bone or ligaments around the knee result in arthritis that causes pain and limits movement of the knee.
  • Loss of blood Flow: Doctors will recommend surgery for condition called either osteonecrosis or avascular necrosis (the condition causes when blood stops flowing to the bones).

Different types of Knee Replacement Surgery
The following are the four main types of knee replacement surgery:
  • Total Replacement Surgery: In this replacement surgery the surgeon replaces the surfaces of the thigh bone and shin bone that connects to the knee.
  • Partial Replacement Surgery: This surgery is done when arthritis affects only one side of the knee. For Partial replacement surgery the patient should have strong knee ligaments. It can be performed through a smaller cut than is needed in Total Replacement Surgery.
  • Knee Replacement Cap: This replacement surgery is done only on the surface of the kneecap.
  • Complex( or Revision) Knee Replacement: This procedure is needed if you have very severe arthritis or you have already done knee replacement surgeries.
Dr.Bharani Kumar Dayanandam is a leading orthopedic surgeon in Chennai. The doctor offers the best Knee Replacement treatment in his health care institution Knee and Shoulder India. They provide advanced remedial treatment to improve movement and fitness.


Visit Us:  www.kneeandshoulderindia.com
Email Us: kneeandshoulderindia@gmail.com